Chiachi Chao
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Character set

The logical explanation is
the relationship between
painting and music

Hémon is a display script typeface meant for setting in big sizes. It was developed in a ’translation’ type design exercise that sought to visualize different genres of music into abstract letterforms. Hémon is the embodiment of indie rock music. The fragmental letterforms, the irregular size of characters, and connecting joints all help to translate the crispy, noisy, and consecutive characters in indie rock. With different variations of vowel letters, the typeface achieves a certain level of irregularity, in which two of the same vowel don’t repeat in the same word.

Hémon was designed by Chiachi Chao in 2020.

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ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne
5, avenue du Temple, Renens VD
Case postale 555
CH-1001 Lausanne
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