János Hunor Vári
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Character set

R2-D2: [beeps] Uh-oh.
Gyuszi bácsi: Miért, kisapám?
(Watch your step, kid!)

Krimi is a revised & contemporary typefaces inspired by lettering found on a movie poster in the Cinémathèque Suisse archive. With its condensed horizontal proportions, tall x-height, and thickness, Krimi is an ideal choice for creating dense and playful typesetting in posters and other display applications. Its distinctive out-strokes evoke a brush-painted style, setting Krimi apart from similar typefaces. The range of diacritical marks allows for creative and whimsical typographic use. The original movie poster was designed by Affiches Atar Genève in 1935 for the movie ‘Le Criminel Inconnu’ by Jean Brocher.

Krimi was designed by János Hunor Vári in 2022.

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ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne
5, avenue du Temple, Renens VD
Case postale 555
CH-1001 Lausanne
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