Samira Schneuwly
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Character set

/mju:l/ Offspring
Beast of Burden, 1907
A donkey + A horse

Mule is a typeface characterised by concise serifs, roundness, optimised contrasts and by its warm appearance. The typeface owes its starting point to an early 20th century typographic source, the so-called ‘Specimen Book and Catalog’ by the American foundry Inland Type. While certain flaws have been set aside, the newspaper and book typeface retains the spirit and charm of the original source and has been reinterpreted for contemporary use. Design decisions were made in favour of applications requiring smaller type sizes, while the details shine through in a larger use.

Mule was designed by Samira Schneuwly in 2022.

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#1 #2

ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne
5, avenue du Temple, Renens VD
Case postale 555
CH-1001 Lausanne
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