Laura Csocsán
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Character set

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@ Rendered objects

Neureal is a reverse-contrast, sans-serif typeface developed through experimentation with extrapolation. The initial drawings, based on visual distortions, were fed into the computer, which then generated new ideas for letter shapes with mathematical calculations. The typeface consists of these revised and redrawn shapes as a result of a back and forth with the software. The proportional cut is optimised for display sizes, but Neureal is also accompanied by a Mono version designed for small sizes. Taking advantage of spatial constraints, the monospaced cut further aggravates the broken curves of the original design.

Neureal was designed in 2022 by Laura Csocsán.

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ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne
5, avenue du Temple, Renens VD
Case postale 555
CH-1001 Lausanne
©Students, ECAL 2024. All rights reserved.

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